Directed Writing (Informal Letter)

Directed Writing (Informal Letter)

Your friend has written to you seeking advice on how to do well in the SPM examination. He sat for the examination in the previous year but fared badly in almost all the subjects. He is dejected, depressed and upset. Write a letter to your friend offering suggestions on how he can improve in his studies and do well in the examination.

Use the notes given below to write your letter.

     never underestimate your abilities - regularly revise all your subjects

     seek assistance and guidance by enrolling in a good tuition centre
     be more confident and set time for revision

     get help from other friends who are good at different subjects
     read widely and extensively to improve your language skills

12 Jalan Merah 1

Bukit Merah
32300 Semanggul

30 May 2013

Dear Hashim,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and good spirits. My mum and dad are doing well, though my dad is still on medication for his high blood pressure and diabetes.

I must admit you sounded very dejected and unhappy over your performance in your SPM examinations. I sympathise with your situation and I am sorry that you failed in the SPM examination last year. However, you should not let your past failure hinder your determination to do well this year.

I would like to emphasise a few things since you have sought my advice on this issue. First of all, do not underestimate your abilities. All of us have the willpower to achieve our goals and ambitions. You should not let your bad grades stop you from striving harder. Please revise your studies regularly and spend some money on revision books. I would also encourage you to seek advice and help from friends who are good at certain subjects. Personal tutoring will help you tremendously and you can form discussion groups with some of your friends.

In addition, if you feel you need some guidance in your studies, do not hesitate to enrol in a good tuition centre. Scout around for a good one as there are many tuition centres around. You do not need tutorial guidance for all the subjects, only for the subjects you are weak at.

Be more confident and have faith in yourself. Set aside time to revise your studies. Engage in other activities so that you are physically active which helps keep your mind alert and fresh. This will help you concentrate better when you study. You can focus better and remember what you have studied too.

I would also suggest that you read widely and extensively in Bahasa Malaysia and English. In this way, you will not only build a wide vocabulary but also your knowledge on many issues. Reading also improves your writing skills and hence, your grades would improve as a result.

I am sure you would see marked improvement in your grades if you follow all the suggestions I have outlined. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance or are in doubt over certain matters. I wish you good luck and best wishes in these coming examination.

Your friend
