
Latihan Kata Adjektif

Latihan Kata Adjektif

1 Tapak tangan Pak Abu _____________ selepas mencangkul tanah di kebunnya
petang tadi.
A menggelupas
B menggerutu
C melecur
D melecet

2 Nana berasa ________ apabila ternampak seekor ulat di dalam buah mangga
yang dikupasnya itu.
A geli
B haru
C kelam
D gundah

3 Itik itu mempunyai bulu yang ________ air menyebabkan bulunya sentiasa
kering walaupun berada lama di dalam air.
A kesat
B telap
C telus
D kalis

4 Pak Tamin begitu ________ memikirkan anaknya yang belum pulang, apatah
lagi hari sudah larut malam .
A terkilan
B runsing
C murung
D sengsara

5 Keadaan menjadi semakin ________ kerana kedua-dua belah pihak tidak mahu mengalah .
A pelik
B gawat
C runsing
D rencam

6 Bau ________ pada bajunya telah hilang setelah disembur dengan minyak
wangi yang ________ itu .
A busuk …tengik
B hanyir… wangi
C hapak … harum
D hancing …mersik

7 Cik Loh sangat ________ mendengar lagu yang dinyanyikan
oleh biduanita itu .
A ghairah
B asyik
C tekun
D leka

8 Durrah tergelincir semasa melalui jalan yang ________ itu .
A becak
B lembik
C lembap
D bengkok

9 Tiang-tiang elektrik di tebing itu ________ selepas berlakunya gegaran.
A serong
B bengkok
C bongkok
D condong

10 Motosikal yang dipandu laju itu ________ melanggar kereta yang
datang dari arah bertentangan .
A jauh
B cepat
C dekat
D nyaris

The Title Suits The Story Perfectly

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – The Title Suits The Story Perfectly

“The title suits the story perfectly”
Using details from the novel you have studied, discuss whether you agree with the statement above. Give reasons for your answer. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


The title of the novel “Catch Us If You Can” by Catherine MacPhail is simple and catchy that suits the novel perfectly because it captures the actions of a grandfather and a grandson who cause a frenzy when the police launch a massive search for them. The grandfather has run away from an old folks‟ home he hates and the grandson has escaped from a horrible children‟s home.

The title has the semblance of a challenge to the people tracking down the pair. It sounds cheeky, insolent and child-like and it reflects the character of the runaway pair. The grandfather, suffering from age-related ailments can be childish and does not realize the implications of what he has done. In his pursuit, he has caused bodily harm to a youngster who recognizes his grandson, Rory, from the news on television and wants to turn them in. Then, he steals a car to get away. All these can be considered criminal but he is happily nonchalant or ignorant of all the legal implications. His grandson and accomplice, Rory, is a child who knows no better. The expression „If You Can‟ is not only tongue-in-cheek, but also suggests that tracking them down can be difficult. One would think it would be easy to catch them but it is not. Although what they are doing is unbelievably crazy, they have earned the sympathy of many people along the way and this has helped them to evade the police for so long. First, Darren, Rory‟s best friend, plans the first lap for them when he steals his mother‟s caravan key for them to hide out while they think of a better plan after they leave the homes.

Then, they meet Sammy and Ruby who offer them help as the police are closing in on them. Next, there is Rab at the petrol station who gives them a respite and convinces them that they should go and find Jeff McIntosh, Rory‟s father, in Liverpool because it is time for him to do something „in his whole useless life‟. After that, there is Annie, Rab‟s girlfriend, who hands them over to her cousin, Norma. Norma finally brings the whole saga to an end when she decides to call the police because she can see that the old man really needs medical help.

The title suits the story perfectly because it is a story about a grandfather and a grandson on the run. It is also a reflection of what the story is – the police are not looking for regular criminals but just two ordinary people whom the police do not want to apprehend but to protect and keep out of harm.

Latihan Tatabahasa: Memberi Maksud Peribahasa dan Membina Ayat

Latihan Tatabahasa: Memberi Maksud Peribahasa dan Membina Ayat

Beri maksud peribahasa yang diberi di bawah dan bina ayat daripada peribahasa tersebut.

1. seperti mendukung biawak hidup
2. sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga
3. kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan
4. ditelan mati emak, dibuang mati bapak
5. kalau tidak berada-ada, masakan tempua bersarang rendah
6. bagaikan anjing dengan bayang-bayang
7. sekilas ikan di air, sudah kutahu jantan betina
8. genggam bara api biar sampai menjadi arang
9. bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi
10. kuman di seberang laut Nampak, gajah di depan mata tak Nampak

1. -membuat pekerjaan yang sukar dan berbahaya.
-Perbuatan awak menyertai kongsi gelap itu bagaikan mendukung biawak hidup.
2. -menerima nasib malang/ kesusahan yang bertimpa-timpa/ berterusan.
-Hidupnya bagaikan sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga kerana selepas kematian anaknya, dia kematian isterinya pula.
3. -mengutamakan orang lain daripada keluarga sendiri.
-Sikap Abu membiayai pengajian gadis itu bagaikan kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan kerana keluarganya sendiri hidup dalam kedaifan.
4. -dalam keadaan serba salah.
-Sam Chong tidak tahu membuat pilihan untuk mengikut ibunya atau bapanya setelah mereka bercerai kerana ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapa.
5. -berbuat baik kerana sesuatu sebab yang tersembunyi.
-Saya tahu, Sabrina berbuat baik untuk memikat Manprit kerana kalau tidak berada-ada, masakan tempua bersarang rendah.
6. -orang yang tamak akan rugi.
-Jangan terlalu tamak bagaikan anjing dengan bayang-bayang, nanti kamu sendiri yang rugi.
7. -telah tahu keadaan sebenar walaupun hanya melihat luarannya sahaja.
-Saya tahu tujuan kamu datang ke rumah saya kerana sekilas ikan di air, sudahku tahu jantan betina.
8. -membuat kerja bersungguh-sungguh sehingga mendatangkan hasil.
-Belajarlah dengan tekun hingga berjaya umpama genggam bara api biar sampai menjadi arang.
9. -membuat kerja dengan sia-sia.
-Nasihat guru kepadanya bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi kerana dia tidak pernah mahu mendengarnya.
10. -kesalahan orang lain yang sedikit kita nampak tetapi kesalahan kita sendiri yang besar kita tidak nampak.

-Janganlah asyik menyalahkan orang lain dan bersikap kuman di seberang laut nampak, gajah di depan mata tak nampak.