
A Letter of Complaint (Stray Dogs)

As the secretary of the Residents' Association, write a letter of complaint to the Manager of the Local Town Council to complain about the presence of stray dogs in your area.

Marissa Tan,
Residents' Association of Taman Perdana,
75200 Melaka.

Datuk Lee Tiang Beng,
Malacca Town Council,
75150 Melaka.                                                                         5 SEPTEMBER 2013

Dear Sir,

Complaint Regarding Stray Dogs In The Area

I, as the secretary of the Residents' Association of Taman Perdana, would like to make a complaint on behalf of the residents of Taman Perdana about the presence of stray dogs in our area and seek a quick solution to our problem.

2.   Recently, there has been a sudden increase in the population of stray dogs in our neighbourhood. Vicious-looking dogs roam the neighbourhood in packs and this phenomenon is causing terror to spread amongst the residents.

3.   It is not only the sight of the dogs that are frightening the people, but also the reported cases of residents being bitten and chased. Five people, so far, have been attacked by the stray dogs and three are currently in the hospital for treatment. Some of the dogs look infected and diseased and I fear they may spread terrible diseases like rabies to the residents.

4.   Aside from bodily harm, the stray dogs also ruin the cleanliness and neatness of Taman Perdana. The hungry wild dogs frequently mess up the rubbish in the rubbish bins by knocking them over and tearing the plastic bags used to hold the trash. Not only is it making the roads and alleys dirty and smelly, but such occurrences also attract flies, rats and other pests. Lastly, the children are afraid to use the playground facilities for fear of being attacked. The stray dogs constantly hang around the playground like they are seeking victims.

5.   I sincerely hope that you will consider our problem seriously and that the Town Council will soon provide us with relief. I am grateful for your attention in reading this letter.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Residents' Association of Taman Perdana,

Report (Fire in Laboratory)

A Report about a Fire in the School Science Laboratory

To: The Principal,
SMK(P) Methodist,
Jalan Tengkera,
75200 Melaka. (F1)
Explosion in the Chemistry Laboratory (F2)

Last Friday, which was the 13th of May 2011 (C12), my friend, Lucinda and I, saw a suspicious man run out of the chemistry laboratory while we were waiting for our parents to pick us up after school. The strange man was dark-skinned, possibly Indian, had black curly hair and was wearing untidy clothes which had patches on them. His hair was unkempt and messy and he had fashioned a beard (C1).

Right after he had run out of the laboratory, there was an explosion in the lab. There were no teachers around at that moment and it seemed as if my friend and I were the only witnesses to the incident. So we headed towards the lab to investigate the explosion.

When we reached the laboratory, we discovered that a terrible fire was raging inside it. We were horrified. Realising that the chemicals in the lab were probably flammable, we decided to attempt to put out the fire (C3). Lucinda grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and we hurried into the lab (C2) before the fire caused more damage. Suddenly, more explosions occured behind us (C4). We truned around, only to be greeted by a devastating sight. The explosions had caused the flames to spread near the door. We were trapped (C5) and there was no way out.

Lucinda and I frantically looked around for another escape route. We noticed the windows but they were narrow and had metal bars across the window-frames (C6) which barred them and ultimately, we could not get out that way. We were about to search for an alternative exit, but the fumes and smoke were overwhelming and we started to choke (C7). We had no other choice, so we ran to windows and broke the glass panels (C8). Then, we screamed (C9) at the top of our lungs for help. People heard our cries and gathered outside the laboratory (C10). Somebody called the fire brigade and thankfully, the fire fighters arrived in just a few short minutes. My friend and I were mercifully rescued (C11) and were extremely grateful to everyone who helped us.

Not long after, the fire fighters put out the dreadful fire and everyone was filled with relief. However, I can bet that nobody was as relieved as Lucinda and I.

Written by:
Michelle Soon (F3)
Form 4K5
SMK(P) Methodist,

A Difficult Situation

Novel, Step By Wicked Step - A Difficult Situation

Write about
(a)   a difficult situation faced by one of the characters
(b)   how the character managed to resolve the problems in that situation

     Based on the Form 5 novel 'Step by Wicked Step' by Anne Fine, a character that faced a difficult situation is Claudia from the story 'Green Pyjamas'.

     Claudia's difficult situation stemmed from the dissolution of her parents' marriage. Her father then moved out to live with his mother and later, he got a new girlfriend named Stella. Although Claudia knew very well that Stella did not play a part in her parents' divorce, she could not help feeling a sense of loyalty and faithfulness towards her mother. Hence, she rejected all of Stella's warm advances and ignored Stella. She also pretended to hate all the time she spent at her father's place although she knew that her actions would hurt Stella's feelings.

     At a dinner party hosted by her father and Stella, Claudia rudely rejected Stella's invitation for her to join them. However, fueled by her curiosity, she sneaked down and eavesdropped on the guests. To her surprise, she noticed that her father's friends were all ignoring Stella - probably out of loyalty to Claudia's mother whom they had been friends with too. From an outsider's point of view, Claudia realized how unfair they had all been to Stella. All the guests left Stella out of their conversations, leaving her in an awkward state of silence. They did not even seem to appreciate the food that Stella laboured over.

     At that very moment, Claudia decided to resolve the problem that had been plaguing her. She decided to make things right. She changed into the pair of green pyjamas Stella got her, and ran down surprising both Stella and her father's friends. Claudia then exclaimed how much she loved the pyjamas - a simple act but with profound impact - and instantly, her fathers' friends began to warm towards Stella. From that day onwards, Stella and Claudia maintained a warm relationship.

     In a nutshell, Claudia faced a difficult situation in feeling torn between both her parents. In a divorce, it is often hard for a child to accept that his or her parents are not a single entity any longer. However, in the end, Claudia resolved the problem by doing what was right. She understood that it was very mean and unfair to treat someone badly for something that was not their fault. It is something that all of us should take note of in our lives. Our actions might seem minute but the consequences could mean the world to someone else.

The Character That You Dislike

Based on the novel ‘The Curse’ you have read, write about a character that you dislike. Support your answer with information from the novel.

In ‘The Curse’ by Lee Su Ann, the character I dislike is Normala, the village gossiper.

Everyone dislikes her for spreading stories. She is called the ‘slimy cobra with a three-forked tongue’ by Siti and the ‘snake of a woman’ by Asraf. Normala happily spreads stories about Madhuri and claims that she was murdered. Normala is seen as wicked and mean by the villagers. Normala claims that she saw the body of Madhuri and that she saw white blood on her. She tells people about the bad relationship between the two sisters and adds fuel to the burning gossipy issues of the village. All these gossipy tidbits added spice and sauce to the stories that were circulating in the village.

Normala is superstitious and easily frightened by all that she sees and hears. She strongly believes that the village is cursed and that they all will suffer. At the funeral, Normala takes great pains to inform the women folk of all the goings-on in the village. Normala has a group of women hanging on to her every word and absolutely enjoys being the center of attention.

People like Normala can be irresponsible and harmful for they can be malicious with their gossipy words.

Moral Values

Novel, Step By Wicked Step - Moral Values

Moral values are found in every poem, story or novel. Moral values are values that may be rightor wrong or lessons about life that one can learn. In this novel, Step By Wicked Step, there aremany moral values. Each moral value must be supported by evidence from the text.Below are some examples of moral values:

1.  Appreciate family relationships and try to get along with family members.
2.  Think carefully before one makes a decision.
3.  Being Responsible.
4.  Coping With Change/Adapting To A New Situation

1.  Appreciate family relationships and try to get along with family members. (Pixie’sStory & Claudia’s Story)
•  There must be love in a family. Love brings all the members of the family together.
•  Family relationships break down if there is a lack of understanding.
•  Family member must work together and support each other.
•  Family members must be tolerant towards each other. They must learn to give and take.
•  Family members must be caring towards each other.
•  Family members must be honest and truthful to each other.
•  Family members must appreciate each other.
•  Family members should protect each other

2.  Think Carefully Before Making A Decision. (Richard’s Story)
•  We have to make many decisions in life.
•  When we make any decisions, we must consider others as well.
•  Every decision we make has a consequence (effect) on us or someone else.
•  Sometimes we make right decisions and sometimes we make wrong decisions.
•  The right decisions will bring good results (beneficial) whereas the wrong decisions canbring harm.
•  Right decisions bring positive changes and wrong decisions bring about negativeconsequences.
•  Negative consequences from a wrong decision cannot be reversed. 

3.  Being Responsible (Claudia’s Story & Pixie’s Story)
•  Parents should be responsible for their children.
•  Children should be responsible towards their parents and siblings (brothers and sisters).
•  We have to be responsible for any decisions we make.
•  We have to be responsible for the consequences of the decision that we make.

4.  Coping With Change/Adapting To A New Situation (Pixie’s Story & Claudia’s Story)
•  Change happens all the time.
•  Change disrupts normal routine.
•  Change can cause problems.
•  Adapting to change is better than resisting.
•  We can change things for the better but this requires patience and effort.

The Most Interesting Event

Novel, The Curse – The Most Interesting Event

Based on the novel you have learned, which event is the most interesting event for you . Give reasons for your answer.

I choose The Curse by Lee Su Ann. In my opinion, the most interesting event from the novel is when Azreen first met the Old Lady.

Azreen first met the Old Lady when she was challenged by her friends to go to the Old Lady’s house. The villagers believed that the Old Lady is an evil witch, so they forbade their children to go to the Old Lady ’s house. However, Azreen’s curiosity and bravery led her to the Old Lady’s house. As she called out for the Old Lady, her friends scampered and some even looked very scared. When she met the Old Lady and the Old Lady asked her to go away, she did not think the Old Lady was evil. After that day, Azreen kept going to the house until the Old Lady became friendly with her.

In my opinion, this event is most interesting because after the day they became friends, the Old Lady became the person Azreen talked to or turned to whenever she had problems. For instance, Azreen would go to her house whenever she got into fights with her father. The Old Lady would listen to her problems and calm her.

Apart from that, this event is the most interesting because from the Old Lady, Azreen had learnt to forgive the people who had done her wrong. For instance, Azreen had forgiven her father for murdering her sister, Madhuri after understanding the reason of her father’s action. If Azreen had not met and befriended the Old Lady, she might not have forgiven the people who had done her wrong. As a result, she might not go back to London feeling free and feeling like a new person.

In conclusion, the most interesting event is when Azreen first met the Old Lady because of the above reasons. 

A Terrifying Experience

"If mum finds out that I'm going to the beach, I'll be in big trouble." I muttered to myself softly. 

I crept slowly down the stairs and tried to walk casually into the kitchen. As I was walking towards the back door, mum asked without looking up from her "dish-washing", "Where are you going?" I answered back without hesitation, "I'm going to the garden to play." After I got out of the kitchen, I breathed a sign of relief. My plan had worked out fine so far. I scaled the fence and jumped onto the muddy field next to my house and started running towards the bus-stop at top speed.

After half-an-hour, I was at the beach scanning the crowd for my friends, Jimmy and Bobby. After a while, I spotted them near a coconut tree. I ran towards them and got into my swimming trunk. For about an hour, we played volleyball happily.

Suddenly, Bobby hit the ball too hard and the ball fell into the sea. Just as Bobby was going to pick up the ball, the tide came in and carried the ball further and further away from the shore. I wanted to show off my swimming skills so I decided to get the ball for them.

I dived into the water and started swimming at a steady pace. After swimming for about ten minutes, I became tired but when I saw that the ball was only a few feet away from me, I put in an extra burst of speed. However, just as I was going to grab the ball, a very strong current swept the ball further away from me. At that moment, a string of weed tangled up with my feet and I could not swim properly.

I struggled to keep afloat but it was no use. "If I had listened to mum and dad, this would never have happened," I thought silently.

Finally, after struggling for a minute or two, I had no more energy and got pulled underwater. I tugged at the weed which finally broke. I swam back to the surface, gasping for breath. I saw two young men in canoes, racing each other. I was exhausted but I shouted to the men for help. The two men, instead of helping me, ignored me and raced on. By the time, a lifeguard who was holding a life buoy reached me, I had already fainted.

When I woke up, I was in an empty room lying on a bed. It was not until a doctor came into the room that I realised that I was in a hospital. After a few minutes, my parents with half angry and half worried faces walked in. My parents scolded me for sneaking out of the house but were also glad that I was not seriously injured.

I will never forget that terrifying experience. Neither will I ever want to show off again. 

Plot of The Story

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – Plot of The Story

From the novel you have studied, write about the plot of the story and state what you think of the plot.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.


Catherine MacPhail‟s novel „Catch Us If You Can‟ revolves around a teenager, Rory, and his grandfather whom he calls Granda. Rory and Granda are on an escape adventure from their hometown to Liverpool because they do not want to be separated from each other. They have cared for and looked after each other for a long time and with Granda getting on in years and becoming forgetful, Rory takes over the responsibility of looking after Granda on his own initiatives.

One day, when their flat caught fire due to Granda‟s carelessness, both Rory and Granda are placed in a children‟s home and an old folks‟ home respectively. Granda is badly affected as he becomes withdrawn and lost. Rory knows that Granda is slowly dying in Rachnadar, so he decides to run away with Granda. Rory and Granda make the great escape but with no destination in mind. They only want to be free and to be together. They spend a few happy carefree days at the caravan site. When the police catch up with them, Rory and Granda are helped by Sammy who gives them shelter.

Their journey is a struggle to stay free. Strangers help them all the way, giving them shelter and making safe plans for them. Rory has doubts about whether he is doing the right thing. All doubts are dispelled as Granda looks happy even when he is exhausted.

Eventually, Rory decides they would travel south to Liverpool and look for his father, Jeff McIntosh. Granda objects and rages about this when he realizes what Rory‟s plans are. The climax of the story is when Granda almost loses his life in the cold bus shelter. After that, they end up in Liverpool. It is a happy ending as they meet up with Jeff and become a family again. The plot runs in chronological order. The reader can follow Rory and Granda‟s interesting and sometimes heartbreaking journey from their hometown to their final destination. Rory as the narrator projects a solid account of their thoughts, feelings and gives good descriptions of the setting. The approach makes it easy for the reader to understand and appreciate the story. I think the plot is simple and relevant to our society where young people tend to forget their obligations to the old.

Letter of Complain (Formal Letter)

Raju a/l Lingam,

123 A, Lorong Bahagia,
Taman Sentosa,
07231 Bandar Baru Sentol,

The President,
Bandar Baru Sentol Council,
Kompleks Utama,
07200 Bandar Baru Sentol                                                                 16 JUNE 2011

Dear Sir,

Uncollected Rubbish and Clogged Drains
I am writing this letter is to attract your attention to the above title. As the representative of the community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 odd residents living in Taman Sentosa are extremely unhappy about the lackadaisical attitude of the local town council towards the uncollected rubbish and clogged drains in our area.

2.         The rubbish in our area has not been collected for more than a week. The rubbish is supposed to be collected on alternate days but this has not been the case. The town council workers collect the rubbish according to their own whims and fancies. The uncollected garbage has attracted not only flies and mosquitoes but also wild dogs which had attacked the residents on several occasions. These stray animals also scatter the rubbish and make the roads dirty and smelly. As a result, residents have to bear the discomfort of stench from the garbage and risk their health.

3.         We are also disappointed with the town council workers for not clearing the clogged drains which are filled with rubbish. The drains would usually overflow when there is heavy rain and the rubbish would then flow into the compounds of our houses. Besides, putting up with the unbearable stench emitted from them, the residents have to spend hours cleaning their compounds of rotten vegetables, food leftovers and other rubbish.

4.         Due to dengue outbreak recently, we are really concerned about the residents’ health especially the children. Fogging service also was not done accordingly to the schedule. The fogging authority only did their job whenever a case of dengue aroused. They even fogging the neighbourhood late at night that caused us to leave the residents. They need to consider the residents who have babies and also to those who need to wake up early in the morning for work. The fogging also caused the people to have breathing problem when we were not told the exact time of fogging.

5.         We have made numerous appeals to the Municipal Council to look into our complaints but to no avail. We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a week. We hope the health authorities would do something to check these health hazards.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Most Important Lesson You Have Learnt

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – Most Important Lesson You Have Learnt

From the novel you have studied, what is the most important lesson you have learnt? Support your answer with close reference to the text.


From the novel “Catch Us If You Can” by Catherine MacPhail, an important lesson I learnt is to be persistent and determined when facing challenges.
Often, persistence leads to better results than losing hope easily. Two characters in the novel, Rory and Granda, handled challenges with determination. Rory knew that he must be strong and determined in order to withstand the rigours of the escape. There was never a time he felt like giving up and turning in to the police. It was the strong sense of perseverance that helped him bear all the hardships. It was the same with Granda. When things got difficult, he was even more persevering even though it was hard for a man his age to be on the run. He knew he needed to be strong so that he could be together with Rory.

The escape got very arduous and tough at times. The police were always after Rory and Granda. There was a wide TV coverage on them. But Rory and Granda were determined to pull through. They knew they would be together and not be separated as long as they continued to run. From the way they went through their escape, I learn that challenges should be dealt with determination. One must not easily give up hope and accept defeat. As long as one has the chance, one must keep on going till success is met.

Love, Compassion and Family Relationship Are Important in One’s Life

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – Love, Compassion and Family Relationship Are Important in One’s Life

“Love, compassion and family relationship are important in one‟s life.”
Using the evidence from the text, explain how this is true. Support your answer with close reference from the text.


Catherine MacPhail put the elements of love, compassion and family relationship in her novel, „Catch Us if You Can‟. From the beginning to the end of the story, those three elements hold the story together.

The love between generations shows that love is continuous and never ending. For example, Rory‟s love for his Granda is unconditional and vice versa. He is ready to sacrifice anything so that he remains united with his grandfather. The grandfather, in turn, has devoted his life to bring up the child from birth and his whole life revolves around him.

Love in a family and the power of love among family members are also portrayed in this story. For example, Sammy, his wife, Ruby and son Tyrone portray a warm and loving family. Besides that, Bernie, his wife and daughter are equally warm-hearted and helpful. Rab and Annie are loving and caring too.

Love and respect among Rory‟s friends also keep him from troubles. They look upon Granda with great affection. Darren, the one who is the weakest in the class, shows much compassion for Rory and helps him as much as he can. Mrs. Foley also shows sincere, love and care for Rory. She shows her concern towards Rory when Granda is admitted into the hospital. She realizes that Rory should not be in the children‟s home.

As a conclusion, the concept of the elements of love, compassion and family relationship bring beauty to the story.

Teenagers Don't Smoke

Smoking is one of the worst things teenagers can do to their bodies. Yet every day,almost 5000 teenagers under age of 18 try smoking for the first time. 

No wonder, tobacco companies spend billions of dollar ever year on advertisements and other ways to make sure that these young people start smoking and buying their product. The companies count on them to become hooked for it keeps in them in business.

The nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. It even be used to kill insects. Nicotine and dozens of other poisonous chemicals in tobacco can cause illness like heart problems and certain kinds of cancer. Some of these illness take years to develop but others can show up right away.

Generally, smoking makes a teenager's body less fit and more susceptible to infections. For example, teenagers who smoke are much more likely to get a cold on pneumonia. Each time they like up, it hurts their heart, lungs and brain. And the longer the smoke, the worse the damage becomes.

Smoking has such a long list of bads points that wonders why teenagers smoke. Along with bad breath and stinky hair and clothes, smoking makes it harder to run and to play sports. It also cause a difficulty for blood to move around in the body.

Smokers often feel tired and cranky and cannot think quickly, not surprisingly, there are more likely to get in trouble in school and get lower grades. There are also more likely to lie to their friends or their parents about their activities; what they do and how they spend their money.Smoking therefore not only brings about health problems but may also develop undesirable traits. Teen smokers can become lazy, irresponsible and dishonest.

An Important Moral Value You Have Learnt

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – An Important Moral Value You Have Learnt

From the novel you have studied, write about an important moral value you have learnt. Support your answer with close reference to the text.


From the novel „Catch Us If You Can‟ by Catherine MacPhail, an important moral value I have learnt is that family relationships should be nurtured and not taken for granted. Granda looked after Rory after Rory‟s father walked out on them. Since Granda was old and forgetful, Rory took it upon himself to look after Granda. Nobody forced or told him to do it but Rory felt it was the right thing to do. He was willing to forego things that teenage boys should be doing. He did all the household chores, made sure Granda took his medication and had his meals. He even kept Granda‟s pipe to make sure there wasn‟t any untoward incidents. Granda and Rory did not take their relationship for granted. Granda, on several occasions, had expressed appreciation to Rory for always being there for him while Rory felt proud to have Granda as his grandfather. Rory was protective and defensive of Granda. They nurtured their relationship right up to the end even when they had a family, Jeff and Karen.

Sammy, Ruby and Tyrone also showed a strong family relationship. Sammy and Ruby were free and easy but respectful with each other. Ruby would tease Sammy and vice versa. But, when it came to making decisions, Ruby left it to Sammy, showing him respect as the head of the family. Tyrone was respectful and obedient to his parents, Sammy and Ruby.

All in all, I have learnt from the novel that family relationship should be nurtured and not taken for granted as family happiness and stability depend on this positive attitude.

A Holiday I Would Never Forget

Holidays, a time everyone gets hyped up over, parents planning activities for the family to spend quality time with and school children ( as well as teachers) jumping for joy. Hello, waking up late, celebrating, goin for tuition and best of all, vacations! In myy case, a holiday I would never forget is a fruitful one I expereinced five years ago, where my family I spent six days in the land of K-Pop and ' kimchi '- Korea.

        Finally, after ages of waiting, our family arrived in beautiful Korea. Stepping out of the plane, we could feel the chilly weather to our bones. Never experiencing that kind of weather, my siblings and I were totally excited. Passing through immigration and baggage claim, we were talking animatedly about our new surroundings. Since we went with tour group, we knew we were in good hands.

        Incident number one. We were supposed to take a bus to check in at the hotel, as instructed. I guessed I was overeager and without thinking. I ran to a random bus and knocked on the door. The young bus driver opened the door and looked at me with a puzzled expression. He started asking me something in Korean, which of course I did not understand. I tried to reply in English, but before I could make the attempt, my father quickly apologized to the driver and walked me back to the tour group who was watching from afar, shaking with laughter. It turned out that the bus I was running to was not the bus we were supposed to take. I dismissed my burning cheeks. I was glad I could be the butt of everyone's jokes on my first day in a foreign country.

        It was a bit past lunch time when we were done checking in our hotel. Not doubt, everybody's stomachs were grumbling. Thank God after checking in, we were going to have our lunch and do a bit of sightseeing. While waiting for the others outside the hotel, we walked around nearby. There was a row of vending machines that sold various snacks and beverages, including Haagen Dazs ice-cream , and instant noodles. My mother had a craving for Nescafe, so she spent her first Korrean money on that.

        At the restaurant, a delicious meal was already spread out for us. That was the first time we all tried kimchi, a spicy  and sour vegetable side dish.I did not think it was horrible,  buut I preferred the fish kimchi much better. We all ate using chopsticks, so that was kind or awkward for me  and  my siblings, as we were not skilled at using them yet. Being Malaysians, we were used to rice, so it was a good thing that the Korean meal included rice and a few other side dish, eaten from a Bento box. It was weird though, the rice was stickier compared to the rice  we eat at home, mainly to make it easier to eat using chopsticks. There was also hot and scumptious miso soup together with the meal. Since my sister and my brother did not like it much, I finshed up theirs. I gulped the warm soup down my throat- a nice connntrast from the shivering weather outside.

        One of the highlights of our activities that we did in Korea was skiling. Everybody from the tour group was looking forward to that, even the 52-year old couple traveling with us. Since it was'nt fully snownig yet, the hill was coverred with artificial snow. After grobbing our ski gear, we listen to a briefing by the instructor. He was very help ful, especially with us kids annd the elderly couple.

        Feeling jumpy and hyperactive, me and my sister made our way to the cable car and successfully skied down a slope. I thought, " We're natural at this," and my sister could not agree more. When we came to see how our parents and brother were doing, my brother started to throw a snowball towards me and my sister. It hit me, and we started having a small snowball fight of our own, just like in the movies! I guessed we got a bit out of hand and my sister accidentally hit a woman's back. when she turned around, she had this angry look on her face and started to walk towards us.I hurried my siblings to continue skiing with our parents,and we ran away before she cold catch us. Breathless, we giggled innaivety as we recapped the moment.

        In a way, skiing is like swimming. Why do I say so? Well, when swimming ,you do not feel tired , but you would see the effect when you get ravenous and eat more after a session or when you aintend to tke a nap, but it is extended to long hours. The same goes to skiing. When we arrived at the hotel after skiing, we were drained out and starving. Instant noodles saved the day! We all ate curry-flavoured Maggi together, savouring the memontary pleasure. We also dozed off quite early that night , right after going for a walk to enjoy the amazing night view of th mountains, and breathing the cool, fresh winter air.

        Shopping in Korea was also different compared to Malaysia. Its malls were packed with small shops or stalla on every floor. Big boutiques were not seen as much as the quaint kiosks. Nevertheless, I found shopping at their markets more enjoyable, especially because you could haggle the price. Their specialities   were crystals, fabrics and outerwear. Apart form that, I also liked their wet markets , mainly because they were very clean and they did not have that fishy smell. I remembered a shocking incident when walking through the stalls of the wet market. A large fish jumped  out its aquarium  and onto the floor. I stared at it and suddenly, I saw a huge cutting knife slicing through the fish's neck! It was the owner of the stall's doing. Then, the owner left the fish flapping around lifelessly without a head.

        There was also a treasure trove among the stalls of the wet market- a tiny shoop which served grilled seafood. My family stepped into the shop and ordered some grilled fish and cockles.

        After saying our prayers, we devoured our mouth-watering find of the day. Dripped in a type of souce, the seafood was the best I had ever eaten, as you could taste the freshness. Or maybe I was just hungry after  a full day of activities.

        If it was up to me, there were so many things to write on my memorabe trip to Korean. Not onli we got to spend quality time together as a family, but we also learnt countless new things and even discovered hidden talents. My father always said we should travel with an open mind and an open  heart. This is when you get to see your capability to adapt to changes. Just enjoy the simple things in life and be thankful of what you have. So, do just that. Who knows you might discover a part of yourself you never know existed?   

Police Report on Accident (Directed Writing)

You witnessed an accident. The police officer has asked you to make a report. Use the points given below:

-       when the event happened
-       where the event took place
-       how it happened
-       description of the vehicles
-       step taken

To:       Sergeant Razali Kamrin
From:  Julia Selamat
Date:   7th September 2011

Report of the accident on Jalan 2/14

            On 7th September 2011 at 10.30 a.m., I was walking alone Jalan 2/14 which is next to the children’s playground. As I was about to cross the road to enter the park, I saw a car driving swiftly down Jalan 4/14. It was a Honda Civic with the number plate BEH 9110. Another car, a Toyota Vios 1.5 with plate number WHM 4657 came out of Jalan 4/14 as well. The Honda Civic was driving too fast that make it did not have time to avoid collision.

            The accident caused a loud crash. The Honda Civic hit the Toyota Vios on the driver’s door. The door could not be opened and the driver had to get out from the passenger’s door. The driver of the Toyota Vios was lucky as he survived with no physical injuries. Both air bags popped up when they collided to each other. They both were fortunate as their car was not badly damaged and dented.
The Toyota Vios’s windscreen was shattered to pieces. The Honda Civic’s headlight and signal light were smashed. There was plenty of glass on the road. The two drivers startled to argue. The driver of the Honda City was a woman. They blamed each other and the argument stopped when her mobile phone rang. Most of the passerby slowed down their vehicle to watch the accident. Some pedestrian came by and offered help.

As it happened, I ran into my house which is close by. I called the nearest police station and in ten minutes, a police car drove up. I told the police officer I had witnessed the accident and offered to come out to the station to give a statement. The cars were towed to the side of the road first, and then were brought to the police station before to workshop. Pictures were taken for insurance claim.
In my opinion, the driver of the Honda City is to blame for the accident. She was driving too fast and did not pay any attention to vehicles coming out from the side road. The driver of the Toyota Vios should have stopped at the junction.

Anti-Smoking Campaign (Speech)

Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak Campaign’ recently launched by the government.

Tak Nak Campaign

            A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students.

            Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an anti-smoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking.

            But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous to your health”.

            What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke.

            Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of smoke-related deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards which should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my friends are quitting now, or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per week.

            However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad to say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our parents and teachers.

            These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do smoke, they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started, and then take steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they preach.

On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its zero-tolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How can our sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking.

Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make Tak Nak your mantra. If you have started smoking, say Tak Nak and quit! And if you haven’t started smoking, say know that smoking not only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money.

Theme of Happiness

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – Theme of Happiness

Using details from the novel you have studied, write on the theme of happiness. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


In the novel „Catch Us If You Can‟, Rory McIntosh has been living with his grandfather since he was a young boy. On the surface, this arrangement such as theirs cannot be a happy one because Granda is old and sick while he is too young to be able to look after himself, let alone his forgetful and sometimes disorientated grandfather. Granda would have been better off at Rachnadar, a home for the aged where his needs will be taken care of by professionals and Rory would have been able to lead a more normal life at Castle Street Children‟s Home. But they refuse to be separated. Despite the difficulties, they are happy together. In their own obstinate way, they are guarding their right to be together and be happy.

However, when Granda causes a fire in their flat, the social worker assigned to them takes Granda to Rachnadar while Rory goes to the Castle Street home. Rory is upset and so is Granda. Rory believes the home is killing his Granda. Then, Rory decides to run away from the home, „rescue‟ his Granda from Rachnadar and they would run away from all these meddling people. They are on the run for several weeks and the television is full of news about them. A massive search is launched for them. Ironically, while on the run, they experience some of the happiest moments of their lives, with the help of sympathizers like Darren, his best friend who steals his mother‟s caravan key to let them hide temporarily, Sammy and Ruby who shelter them when the police close in on them. Then, there are the sympathetic petrol station operator, Rab and his girlfriend, Annie. Their run comes to an end when Granda becomes ill and causes concern to Norma, Annie‟s cousin who is helping them to get to Liverpool to find Rory‟s father. She calls the police. All‟s well that ends well when McIntosh‟s long-lost son, Jeff, who is also Rory‟s father comes for them. He is ready to assume his responsibility as a son and father.

Rory and Granda are basically searching for happiness whether as a stubborn pair fiercely defending their rights to stay together in the flat in the face of insurmountable problems or whether as runaways, oblivious to the frenzy they are causing through their actions. They sincerely believe that they are looking for happiness. After all, nothing matters as long as they are happy because life is a quest for happiness.


Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital role in shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a friend?

A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you. A friend’s empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make you realize how important a friend really is.

Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friend’s honesty will enable you to trust his or she’s opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For example, an honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall improvement in yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend.

Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she should also be generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. A true friend must be ever-ready to help you when you are inept in certain subjects. A friend can easily guide you towards understanding the subject matter better as he or she is often on the same page as you. The only difference is that you can’t quite grasp the content of the page per second.

Besides that, a friend must also be able to humour you. Humour plays a quintessential role in making your day more lively and enjoyable. Friends who pull your leg and mess about will indefinitely make life seem so much better. As they say, laughter is the best medicine and a little levity on rainy days is always welcomed.

In conclusion, friends are people we spend most of our time with. Thus, we have to be selective when it comes to choosing our friends. 

An Incident That Changes The Life of A Character

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – An Incident That Changes The Life of A Character

Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that changes the life of a character in the story. Give evidence from the novel that you have studied.


In the novel „Catch Us if You Can‟ by Catherine MacPhail, an incident that changes the life of the character is the great escape that Rory and Granda undertake. Rory decided to run away from the town he lived in after taking his Granda out of the local old folks‟ home. The escape took them to many places and they met many different people who helped them on their journey. Rory learnt valuable life lessons from meeting all the different people. From the travelers, he learnt about compassion and kindness. From Rab, Annie and Norma, he learnt about people who offered help sincerely and treated them kindly. Also, Rory‟s life would never be the same again. It was because, his father turned up to help him and Granda. Finally he had a father, a stepmother and two adorable stepsisters. He had a family and that was a life-changing moment from him.

Rory was worried about his Granda earlier but then he didn‟t have to. It was because things started to fall into places for him. Certain services provided for the elderly made life better for him and Granda. The escape exposed some of the problems that the elderly and their caretakers faced in the course of their daily life.

With all the above, I believe that all those changes would not have taken place if not for the great escape.

What Would You Do If You Had A Lot Of Money

When I was small, I often dreamt about being rich as my parents were quite poor. We had difficulty making ends meet each month. So, if I had a lot of money, I would certainly fulfill my dreams. First and foremost, I would buy a house for my parents, preferably a bungalow, in a quiet town. I would equip the house with the latest technology so that it would be a smart home. My mother would have a state-of-the-art kitchen as she loves cooking. I would also get a maid to help her with the household chores. I will ensure that my family is comfortably settled in this house.

The second thing I would do is to go on a world tour with my parents. I have never been overseas but I long to see the places I have only read or dreamt about. First, I would like to visit Europe, especially Italy, the city of romance. I would visit all the museums and buildings I have heard so much about. My next stop would be Hong Kong or China. There is something mystical about China and her people. This would be my dream come true.

Apart from that, I could finally go on a shopping spree, which is my favourite pastime. Thus far, I could only go window shopping and if I had a lot of money, I would go into these stores and buy whatever I fancy. Just imagine that for once in my life, I do not need to look at the prices of the items that I like. I could just shop till I literally drop. The salesgirls would be hovering near me with their latest outfits and my wish would be their command. Ah, I would not be ignored anymore as I walk into their stores!

Besides shopping, I would also remember the poor and the less fortunate. First, I would certainly build a better home for the orphans in my town. In fact, I would also sponsor their education till they could stand on their own. They would receive an allowance monthly and I would definitely take them shopping.

Finally, I would take the opportunity to further my studies. When I was younger, my parents could not afford to send me overseas. So, I would love to pursue a course in interior decorating in London and once I graduate, I would like to set up my own business with the rest of the money. They say that a fool and his money are soon parted. Thus, I would be very careful with how I spend my money. I would invest my money with my parents’ advice and keep some for rainy days.

The Most Interesting Character

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – The Most Interesting Character

Who is the most interesting character in the novel that you have studied? Give reasons to support your answer.


In the novel „Catch Us if You Can‟ by Catherine MacPhail, I think Granda is the most interesting character in the book.

Reading through the novel, I found out that he was a caring and kind grandfather to Rory. The fact that Rory was to return the favours implies that Granda must have been a good man and good grandfather. His love for Rory is absolute. Also, Granda finds it hard to bear that Rory has to be in a home and wants to get out of hospital to take Rory home. This shows how much he cares for Rory.

Granda is also a charmer. It is because he easily compliments others especially women not only for the looks but also for their talents as he praises Ruby for her cooking. All the times he remains the perfect gentleman, like opening the door for the young mother at the clinic.

Other than that, he is quite a fascinating character. He knows a lot about films and film stars. His love for movie stars makes him even name his son and grandson after some film heroes of his time. Also, he loves singing and has no inhibitions about singing some old songs, however badly, in front of others.

With all the above, I believe that Granda must be an interesting and remarkable man.

Description on a Person - A Prominent Malaysian Leader

            As the fourth and most dynamic Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad will indelible impression on the sands of Malaysia for many years to come. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister, and one of the longest-serving leaders in Asia.

Born on 20th December, 1925 in Alor Setar, Dr. Mahathir is the son of a teacher. He is the youngest of nine children of a school teacher and a housewife. His father, Mohamad Iskandar, was of Indian descent, being the son of a Muslim and a Malay mother, while Mahathir's own mother, Datin Wan Tempawan Wan Hanafi, was Malay. He is married to Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali, they have seven children, four sons and three daughters. From an early age, Tun Mahathir had the importance of education drummed into him by his father, who was also a strict disciplinarian.

            After his early education at the Maktab Sultan Abdul Hamid in Alor Setar, he enrolled at the King Edward VII College of Medicine in the University of Singapore. Armed with a MBBS degree in medicine, he set up his own clinic, the Maha Clinic in Alor Setar. As a doctor, Tun Mahathir came into close contact with people from variety of social strata and enjoyed a close rapport with them. He understood their problems. Thus, when he was thrust into the politic limelight, he strove to fulfil the needs of the people.

He was first catapulted into the world of politics when he became the Member of Parliement for Alor Setar in 1964. After holding a number of portfolios, including Minister of Education, Minister of Trade and  Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, he finally became the Prime Minister on 16th July, 1981. The country flourished with Dr. Mahathir at the helm of the government. His contributions to the nation are so immense and par excellence. He has left his mark in every aspect – in politics, economy or education.

Realizing that government-owned enterprises are neither efficient nor profitable, he initiated the privation policy in 1983. This had immediate effect of cutting down bureaucratic ineptitude and operational cost while at the same time generating more revenue.

With collapse of the prices of agricultural commodities in the eighties, Tun Mahathir decided that it was time to shift the nation’s focus to more profitable areas. Thus, he started the industrialization programme. Reputed as the country’s top salesman, he showcased Malaysia to investors abroad in a bid to woo them.  As a result of the heavy industrialization drive, major projects like national car project or PROTON and the steel company, PERWAJA, together with other mega project were launched one after another. Next, realizing that industrialization would require a good infrastructure, he set about improving it. The Mahathir era saw a successful completion of the North-South Highway, the East-West Highway, the Multimedia Super Corridor, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang and many more.

An astute politician, he charted the growth of the country’s progress from the day he took office. He envisages that Malaysia can only attain the status of a fully developed country if it becomes an industrialization one and this ambition has been his main agenda during his tenure. With this in mind, he announced Vision 2020, his most ambitious vision.

Frank and outspoken by nature, Tun Mahathir speak without fear nor favour. This has been the hallmark of thus much respected statesman. The inefficiency of local and international organizations has always come under his scrutiny and critism.

It has been almost two decades since Tun Mahathir took over reins of the government. It has undoubtedly been the golden era for Malaysia with many notable achievements.

Theme of Forgiveness or Reconciliation

Novel, Catch Us If You Can – Theme of Forgiveness or Reconciliation

Using details from the novel you have studied, write on the theme of forgiveness OR reconciliation.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.


In Catherine MacPhail‟s „Catch Us If You Can‟, Rory has been cared for by his grandfather whom he calls Granda for as long as he remembers. According to Granda, his own father was a spoilt brat of a boy; just mentioning him would make Granda angry. He grew up to be someone who did not appreciate what he got and left Rory‟s mother who later died of heartbreak. And that was when the senior McIntosh decided to cut all ties with his son. He is adamant that the only son he had is Rory and he can very well take care of the boy.

The irony of the situation is, Rory has been looking after his Granda who is not well and needs medications for all sorts of ailments. As a result, Rory has to look after him, take him to the doctor, prepare his lunch and make sure he takes his medicines – all too big a responsibility for a young boy like him. Despite the difficulties, both Rory and Granda refuse to be separated, as any solution would entail sending the old man to a nursing home and the boy, a children‟s home.

However, after Granda accidentally sets fire in their flat, he is sent to Rachnadar, an old folks‟ home and Rory to the children‟s home in Castle Street. They cannot bear being separated. Rory takes Granda out from the home and both go on a run. Soon, the police is looking for them. News about them appears on the media. Rory and Granda manage to evade the police because they get help from people who sympathize with them along their journey.

Investigations reveal that Rory‟s father, Jeff Mcintosh is in Liverpool and they are advised to go and see him. While on their way to Liverpool, Granda becomes too sick. The police is informed by one of the people who helps them, Norma, who feels that the old man needs immediate help. Jeff, with the help of the authorities, arrives to take his father and his son with him. Both father and son are reconciled and Rory finds his long-lost father. Jeff is ready to take on his responsibilities as a son to his father, Granda, and as a father to his son, Rory.

The story ends with a reconciliation between the ageing and ailing father and the son he has vowed to disown, Jeff. As for Rory, it is a happy reunion with the father he has never known.

Hari Raya Celebrations

Every year, after one month of fasting, Muslims celebrate Hari Raya Puasa which falls in the month of Syawal. All Muslims celebrate the day with great joy. In the morning, they go to the mosque to pray. Then, on returning home, they receive guests and relatives who come to pay them a call.

Days before, the women folk make many varieties of cakes, cookies and sweet meats.They also cook 'rendang' curries and prepare 'satay' to go with the 'ketupat'. Homes are decorated with many coloured lights all over the garden. Small lamps are lit and placed along the driveway.

On Hari Raya Day, many Malaysians visit their Muslim friends to share their joy. They receive warm hospitality and are entertained to a feast of specially prepared food. Boys and girls wear new clothes and shoes. Girls wear jewellery and boys new 'songkoks'.

The town is usually crowded with Muslims dressed gaily and going about. They visit their friends and relatives while some go to the cinemas or to the Lake Gardens. Many,however, go back to their 'kampungs' to celebrate the festival with their parents. It is also a time for family reunions. Everyone rejoices during this festive season.