
Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values (Form 5 English Novel)

Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values (Form 5 English Novel)


1.  We must respect, support and protect our beloved ones

•        In this novel, this value is portrayed by Newton, though he is only ten years old.
•        He is sensitive towards his parents’ feelings.

•        We also see this value in Chris. Even though he is busyand tired practicing for his football games, he always seem to have time to help Newton with his homework or play a quick game with him.

•        Mr Newman speaks carefully to Newton about his costume and acknowledges Capatin Nobody.

2.  We must always help those who are in need

•        Mrs Young, Newton’s teacher, discusses his situation with the Principal, Mr Toomey. She does not get angry with Newton.

•        This value is also portrayed by Newton, who tries to cheer his mother up after seeing his mother’s eyes in tears.
•        Newton is also sompassionate towards Mr Clay. He realises that man is lost and confused and makes sure he gets home safely.

•        We must be helpful to others regardless whether they are our family, friends or strangers.

•        Newt helps Cecil brings down his dream bass drum
•        JJ and Cecil also portray this value when they help Newwt with his Halloween costume

3.  We should not rely on a costume to feel confident of ourselves.

•        We must not underestimate our abilities.

•        It is important to feel good about ourselves.

•        This value is portrayed by Newton. When he wears the Captain Nobody costume, he feels strong and confident.

•        However, when he climbs up the water tower to save Reggie, instead of losing confidence and descending the ladder, Newton continues his climb and manages to help Reggie get down from the tower. This shows his courage and capabilities to others.

4.  We should not be envious of the success of others.

•        This value is portrayed by Newton, who feels happy about his brother’s success.
•        Chris, on the other hand, acknowledges that Newton is the real hero of Appleton.
•        Mr and Mrs Sullivan acknowledges their saviour who saved their lives during the robbery.

5.  We must be optimistic in life

•        We must face problems or challenges in life with hope and courage.

•        Newton does not feel sorry for himself and does not resent or blame people, even when he is neglected at home. He accepts the fact that his classmates and teachers ignore him in school and that not many know that he is Chris Newman’s brother.

•        When his brother is knocked down into a coma during the Big Game, he fills his mind with positive thoughts that Chris will be alright.

•        When his mother forgets to dry the laundry, Newton wears his Captain Nobody costume to school, though he knows his friends or teachers might laugh at him.

•        Although Newton, Cecil and JJ are ignored in school, they respond positively to this situation.

•        Chris and his teammates shows optimism in winning the Big Game although at times the opponent is leading

6.  We must be brave.

•        Newt has acrophobia. At first, he hesitated to climb the Dumpster to get the bass drum. But when disguised as Captain Nobody, he felt more confident.

•        He managed to help Cecil.


Novel Captain Nobody : Themes (Form 5 English Novel)

Novel Captain Nobody : Themes (Form 5 English Novel)


1.  Family Love

•        Newt loves his family members although sometimes he does not get the attention he deserves. He makes breakfast for them every day.

•        Newt, together with Mom and Dad, would attend and give support in every game that Chris is Playing

•        Mom and Dad are willing waiting for Chris to wake up from his coma
•        Chris loves his brother as they would share jokes when they meet each other
•        Newt always wakes his brother up when he oversleeps.

•        He is proud of Chris’s success.
•        He is worried about Chris when Chris is hospitalised. He is eager to be with Chris at the hospital
•        Chris shows his love to his brother by letting him lead the Victory Parade

2.  Determination in one's life

•                   Chris and his teammates shows high level of determination to win the Big Game although their opponents are leading at crucial part of the game
•                    Newt is determined to stop the traffic on the highways despite the dangerous situation he
is facing so that he could get Ferocious the Ferret back into its cage
•                    Cecil is determined to get the big bass drum that is thrown away even he has to seek the help of Captain Nobody
•                   JJ shows her determination to correct other people's mistakes by stepping into Sullivan's store and talks to the owners

3. Helping those in need

•                    Newt would remind Mom about important events and help his mother to find her misplaced belongings
•                    Captain Nobody helps Mr. Clay to find his way back home after getting lost at the Dumpster
•                    Captain Nobody talks to the Sullivan couple after JJ asks for his favour and it turns out he saves the sore owners' lives from an armed robbery

4. Dealing with identity crisis

•                   Although the creation of Captain Nobody was unintentional, Newt gained much confidence and courage when he was in the costume
•                    Mrs.Young, the class teacher, showed great concern for Newt and brought up the matter to the principal, who was later joined by the school counsellor and nurse
•                    Newt reasoned out with his concerned Dad, who came home and talked to him, after the school had informed Dad about Captain Nobody
•                    When Newt was finally recognized and got the attention he deserved from the local community including his family, he reverted to becoming Newton Newman once again

5. Optimism

•                    Although he was just 10-year-old kid, Newt was full of optimism
•                   After knowing that Chris only had 6 days to wake up, he was still confident that one day his brother would recover from coma
•                    Cecil felt that they going to have a joyful Halloween celebration after coming out with the idea of creating their own costumes

6.  Self-discovery

•        As a boy who is small and scrawny in size, Newton is often ignored by his parents and schoolmates.

•        When Newton uses Captain Nobody costume for the first time, he feels that he is somebody new, somebody he himself has not met yet.

•        Newton feels strong and confident when wearing the Captain Nobody costume.

•        He is able to overcome his fear of heights when he helps Cecil to bring down a discarded drum from a huge dumpster. He helps Mr Clay finds his way home, foils a robbery at a jewellery store, save a ferret and averts a plane tragedy.

•        Slowly, Newton begins to uncover his hidden capabilities and transforms into a hero who stands up for all quiet kids and children that people tend to forget about.

•        Eventually Newton manages to climb up the tallest structure in Appleton and save Reggie Partner, without assuming the identity of Captain Nobody.

7.  Responsibility

•        As a 10 year old boy, Newton takes the responsibility of making breakfast for his family

•        Newton would open Chris’s bedroom door and shout, “Hot the showers!” whenever Chris oversleeps.

•        He risks his life and tries to rescue Ferocious.

•        When Reggie Ratner is on the roof of the Appleton water tower, and people think that he is commiting suicide.

•        He decides to climb up the water tower to convince Reggie to change his mind.


Character Traits + Evidence, Opinoin (1)

Novel Captain Nobody : Character Traits + Evidence, Opinoin (1)


Newt has an amazing talent at sketching pictures of superheroes character. He has his Secret Superhero Sketchbook where he draws his superheroes like Guy Wire who was exposed from radiation and could bounce and stretch himself.


Newt does not let others treatment of him affects his life. He is happy to spend his time sketching characters of his superheroes. It is like an avenue for him to channel his frustrations and turn it into a positive vibe. Indulging in the sketching of the superheroes characters also hone his creativity. He spends his time engaging in creative pursuit instead of being involved in wasteful activities.


Novel Captain Nobody : Model Question + Answer (3)

3.  The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English language.

Captain Nobody – by Dean Pitchford

Suggest an alternate ending of the novel you have studied. Support your answer with close reference to the text.


The novel I have studied is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford. There are many interesting incidents in the novel. If I am given the chance to alter any parts of the story, I will choose to have an alternate ending.

The ending of the novel starts when Newt and Chris who are hospitalized come back home. After a few days home, everything goes back to normal, Mom relying on Newt about her misplaced things and Dad gets back to his busy work. If I am given the chance to have an alternative to the ending, I would choose to alter the part where everything goes back to normal after they come home when the parade is over. My ending will portray the family having a closer bond. First, they are seen together having breakfast prepared by mom or dad. Newt and Chris will be at the table happily having a conversation with mom and dad. The conversation will evolve around Newt as well. In my opinion, Mom and Dad should not get back to their normal routines after what had happened since the Big Game. Mom should become more responsible and she must not rely on Newt to find all her stuff. After what happened, she should show more appreciation towards Newt.

The same thing should also be happening to Dad. He should be portrayed as he no longer busy entertaining calls. Dad is seen announcing his new job at breakfast because his current job requires him to spend less time with his family. To show that he is grateful to Newt, should have put more focus and spend more time together with him. Besides, they have already faced too many challenges as a family. It is about time they enjoy life as a family.

The conversation at the breakfast table is no longer a hectic situation with Newt being ignored. This time mom and dad will have a conversation where Newt is given an acknowledgement. The ending will portray Newt sharing his experience in school the day before and both mom and dad and Chris, listening and joining in the conversation. He is no longer being pushed aside. As parents, mom and dad should show their care by giving their children the attention they deserve. They should not practice favouritism by only paying attention on a particular child.

That would be the ending that I would like to suggest if I am given the chance to do so. The ending will show mom and dad playing their parts as responsible and caring parents. They will be the main factor that will bind the family together. Close family bond is the major factor for happiness in life. That will definitely make the story becomes more interesting and perhaps, Captain Nobody II will be coming out soon and the telling stories of his teenage years.


Novel Captain Nobody : Model Question + Answer (2)

2.   The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English language.

Captain Nobody – by Dean Pitchford

“It is important for us to learn to forgive and forget.” With close reference to the text, explain how this is portrayed by one of the characters in the novel. 

The novel I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. After reading the novel, it is important for us to learn to forgive and forget. This is portrayed in the novel by one of the characters, Newton Newman.

Newt’s parents always have time for Chris but Newt is never jealous of him. In fact, he loves his brother very much and hero-worships him. Chris is the star of Fillmore’s Football Team. He is always in the limelight and the centre of attention even at home. Newt forgives this situation and even Chris. He understands the situation and does not blame Chris for his popularity. He even acts as the spokesperson for Chris when he is hospitalized. He gives updates on Chris to his fans. This shows that Newt is independent and has a good heart. He does not complain although he feels overshadowed by his famous football player brother. He forgives him in the situation and does not blame him for the lack of attention he is experiencing.

We know that Newton Newman loves his brother very much. He is extremely worried when his brother is in a coma. It starts with the incident from the Big Game. He manages to bring the well-deserved victory for his team but unfortunately, he falls into a coma as there are clashes of helmets during the Big Tackle. Some of them start to blame Reggie Ratner, the Merrimac High player for the incident. It is a difficult time for Newt as Chris is beloved brother. To see his brother in a coma is tough for him. He could have been mad with Reggie but he remains calm. The truth is finally revealed that it is actually Daryll Peeps who clashes his helmet against Chris during the final moment of the Big Game. Newt knows that such thing happens in sports and sometimes they are unavoidable. He forgives Daryll who causes his brother to fall into a coma. This makes Newt a person of an exceptional quality.

At home, his parents are so busy with their jobs that they hardly have time to interact with him and do not even realize they tend to overlook him. Besides, nobody takes him seriously because he is very young. When Chris goes into coma after a terrible tackle, Newt’s parents neglect him at home to look after Chris for weeks at the hospital. They do not allow him to visit Chris as he is too young, so all he can do is wait at home and worry. They seem to forget to help him prepare for one of the most important holidays of the year, Halloween. Newt, however, blends into the background without complaining.

He does not complain or resent anyone for neglecting him at any time. Such is the pathetic situation he is in but he does not complain or resent anyone for it. He forgives his parents and understand the situation they are in. He tries his level best to be a good son and carry on with life.

I strongly believe that Newt would appeal to teenagers for various reasons. He is insignificant and often-forgotten. Most people do not even know that he exists. At school, kids push him out of the way or completely ignore him. At home, his parents are too busy to focus on him especially when they have a popular son. The attention is always on Chris. Newt never bears any grudges on them. This clearly shows that when we learn to forgive and forget, we will also be able to maintain harmonious relationship amongst us and we could also avoid severe incident from happening.
