
Cara Menghargai Jasa Guru

Cara Menghargai Jasa Guru

Sasterawan Negara, Datuk Usman Awang pernah menyatakan bahawa lahirnya seorang Perdana Menteri, doktor, peguam dan pensyarah adalah bermula daripada seorang guru biasa yang mengajarnya membaca dan menulis. Nah, inilah ungkapan yang mengangkat martabat seorang guru dalam mendidik anak bangsa tanpa mengira masa, tenaga serta wang ringgit. Mereka ibarat matahari yang menyinari kehidupan insaniah dengan cahaya ilmunya. Kegigihan guru dalam mendidik anak watan dengan ikhlas tanpa rasa jemu tidak perlu dipertikaikan.  Tanpa usaha dan pengorbanan guru, tidak mungkin pelajar mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang.  Oleh itu, cara-cara menghargai jasa guru yang mewarnai fokus perbincangan akan dihuraikan dan dipericikan untuk kepentingan bersama.

Memetik kata-kata daripada Mantan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein yang menyatakan bahawa pemupukan adab menghormati guru bermula dari rumah dan mengharapkan ibu bapa menggalakkan anak-anak mereka menghargai jasa guru.  Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, jelaslah adab menghormati guru merupakan elemen penting dalam memupuk budi bahasa dan adab sopan dalam kalangan pelajar. Pelajar yang menjaga tutur kata dan adab ketika berhadapan dengan guru merupakan antara cara kita menghargai jasa guru. Para pelajar perlulah sentiasa bermanis muka sambil mengucapkan selamat sejahtera atau memberikan salam ketika berhadapan atau berselisih dengan guru tanpa mengira keadaan.  Semasa di dalam kelas, pelajar yang menghormati guru tidak sesekali membuat bising sehingga mengganggu  guru semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran berlangsung.  Sikap seperti masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan perlu dielakkan. Dalam konteks ini, mereka sewajarnya memberikan tumpuan dan perhatian sepenuhnya semasa pengajaran guru dan sentiasa mengambil peluang bertanya dan berbincang tentang pelajaran. Ketika mengadakan sesi perbincangan di kelas, pelajar perlu menjaga  tata susila, tidak meninggikan suara dan memandang guru serta rakan dengan mesra. Bukankah guru merupakan lubuk akal lautan ilmu? Tegasnya, berbudi bahasa serta beradab sopan merupakan amalan terpuji bagi menghargai guru yang mengajar serta mendidik kita.

Berdisiplin dan mematuhi peraturan sekolah juga merupakan salah satu  cara yang tidak boleh dikesampingkan oleh pelajar yang terpancar akhlak mulianya.  Antara ciri pelajar yang berdisiplin ialah mereka sentiasa datang awal ke sekolah, sentiasa menepati masa, tidak terlibat dalam gangsterisme, vandalisme mahupun ponteng sekolah. Selain itu, pelajar berpakaian seragam dengan kemas  dengan rambut bersisir rapi. Amalan seumpama ini, memupuk disiplin pelajar untuk bersedia belajar seterusnya mematuhi peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah.  Jika disiplin terkawal sudah tentu memudahkan tugas guru untuk mengajar seterusnya mendidik pelajar agar berjaya dengan cemerlang. Peribahasa bulat air kerana pembentung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat, membuktikan kerjasama erat antara guru dan pelajar dalam mematuhi  peraturan yang ditetapkan pasti menjadi pemangkin kecemerlangan akademik serta sahsiah pelajar. Jelaslah, mematuhi disiplin mencerminkan penghormatan pelajar kepada guru.

Di samping itu, pelajar perlu prihatin dan menunjukkan kasih sayang terhadap guru. Amalan mengingati dan menghargai jasa guru merupakan amalan yang mulia. Para guru akan berasa bahawa jasa  mereka dihargai walaupun mereka tidak berkhidmat sebagai pendidik lagi. Kita boleh menghargai jasa guru dengan meraikan sambutan Hari Guru pada setiap tanggal 16 Mei. Pada  hari tersebut, sewajarnya pelajar memberikan hadiah kepada guru yang mengajar mereka sebagai tanda penghargaan  atas segala usaha dan titik peluh yang dicurahkan. Hadiah yang diberikan tidak semestinya berpaksi kepada wang ringgit semata-mata tetapi mestilah disertakan dengan hati yang tulus lagi ikhlas. Nilai bukan ukuran tetapi pemberian yang ikhlas itu lebih bermakna. Sekiranya pelajar tidak mampu memberikan hadiah, cukuplah sekadaru ucapan selamat hari guru.

Amalan ziarah-menziarahi guru perlulah dijadikan budaya dalam kalangan pelajar.     Menziarahi guru ketika mereka mengalami kesusahan dan sakit juga cara kita menghargai jasa para guru. Sebagai manusia tentunya para guru menghadapi pelbagai masalah dalam kehidupan. Sebagai contohnya,  kemungkinan guru ditimpa kemalangan, bencana, menghidapi penyakit dan sebagainya kerana malang tidak berbau.  Sebagai pelajar, kita perlu menziarahi mereka jika mereka menghadapi situasi tersebut sebagai tanda melahirkan rasa simpati ibarat cubit paha kanan paha kiri terasa sakitnya. Ketika menziarahi mereka sakit, kita perlulah membawa buah tangan untuk menggembirakan guru sekali gus mengurangkan beban kesakitan yang ditanggung. Jika mereka mengalami kemalangan atau bencana alam, kita perlu mengutip derma bagi meringankan beban yang mereka tanggung. Hal ini amat bertepatan dengan peribahasa, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. Jelaslah bahawa frasa, jasamu dikenang, budimu disanjung bukanlah sekadar omongan kosong kerana pengorbanan guru sentiasa dikenang oleh para pelajar.

Selain itu, kita juga boleh menghargai jasa guru dengan mendoakan kesejahteraan guru yang telah mengajar dan mendidik kita selama ini. Mendoakan kesejahteraan guru sama ada semasa hayatnya atau sesudah mereka kembali ke rahmatullah membuktikan kita sentiasa mengenang jasa mereka. Kita perlulah mendoakan mereka agar sentiasa sihat sejahtera dan dielakkan daripada segala bahaya. Hal ini kerana jika guru sihat sudah tentu mereka akan dapat menjalankan tugas mendidik anak watan dengan sempurna. Bagi mereka yang telah meninggal dunia, kita perlulah mendoakan agar dosa-dosa mereka diampunkan agar mereka sejahtera di alam barzakh. Sesungguhnya, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama dan sudah tentu jasa serta pengorbanan guru akan terus dikenang sepanjang masa.

Sudah terang lagi bersuluh, jasa dan  pengorbanan seorang guru itu sukar untuk dibalas walaupun dengan segunung intan. Tanpa guru siapalah kita kerana gurulah yang mengajar kita mengenali erti kehidupan. Justeru, marilah kita bersama-sama menghargai jasa guru agar ilmu yang kita peroleh daripadanya mendapat keberkatan daripada Tuhan.



It is truly undeniable that in this science and technology millennium, we can hardly live without money. Even buying something small such as sweet will cost you some money. However, this does not mean that money can buy happiness, unlike the misconception of most people in the world. In fact, wealth is a far cry from happiness. If you disagree with me, let's look at the reasons for my stand.

Firstly, one of the main gates to happiness is to stay healthy. Maybe some people think that when one is rich, he can be healthy or it does not matter even if they have diseases because these rich men have lots of money to pay their medication. This is totally wrong. Good health is acquired from a healthy lifestyle progressively and not in a day. With lots of money we are tend to temp ourselves to exotic, luxurious food. If this food is taken excessively, it will let to obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension and other serious illness. Moreover, rich people are probably lack of exercise as they hardly walk outdoor due to 24 hours-service debar fetching them about causing them to be at a higher risk of getting these unnecessarily health problems. How a person can enjoys his life and feels happy when he is confined to a wheelchair or bed-ridden. He would not even be glad spending his money and time curing his sickness. Therefore, wealth cannot bring happiness.

Professionals like doctor, nurse, lawyer, engineer, food technologist and accountant earn a lot of money per month. They are considered the high class citizens who can afford large, expensive house with huge beautiful gardens. But do they really enjoy the pleasures of life? Most probably not because they are simply too busy with their work. They frequently burnt the midnight oil in their work place. It is even more miserable if they have to turn their home into a working place. Most specialists have to stand-by 24 hours in case of emergency calls from the hospitals. Hence, they can hardly spend any relax, restful night at their home even if they posse a huge two and a half storey bungalow with a beautiful garden and artificial waterfall. Successful businessmen may always have a chance of flying to all parts of the world when they go out station to make business. However, very few of them can really take it as a holiday as a treat for themselves for their schedules are always full and they are so stressful with their works. Even fewer businessmen can ignore urgent, pursuing calls from their clients or office when they are going for holidays or resting. In other words, one can make lots of money but he may not enjoy even the beauty of nature around them or the branded, expensive things with them. So what is the use of money when we do not even enjoy a meal properly and discontented with lives. One with a moderate income can feels happier if he leads a simple life and be grateful with what he has.

Finally, a children or a teenage brought in moderate family is better than in a rich family. As the sons or daughters of billionaires, their parents will give them whatever that they want in material. These children or teenagers get a lot of pocket money from their parents and can afford to buy many expensive things like branded, latest handset, expensive clothes and branded sport shoes. But the question is, are they happy if their parents are always working with only an Indonesian maid to accompany them. If they are asked to choose between wealth and love from their parents, I believe that they were undoubtedly choose love. A healthy family is not created for the children. These children mentally are not as healthy as those being cared and loved by their parents. Children need parents who can listen to their problems and give them words of wisdom, teaching then day by day. Parents who are not rich may not be able to buy branded things to satisfy their children but with more communication and understanding, these teenagers will understand the difficulty of their parents in earning money, learning to be thrifty. In short, money does not promise a happy, caring family.

Money may be able to buy a lot of things but not love, friendship, health and others. These are the main ‘ingredients’ for a happy life. Thus, it is a controversy if money can bring happiness. Even, if we can afford many things we desired with lots of money, we may not be happy and enjoy our lives if we are always dissatisfied with what we had, yearning for more. Thus, I stand firm that money cannot bring happiness.

A Horror / Tragic Story

I opened the door, to my horror, a few skeletons lay there, chained on the wall.

Okay, time to recap. I and my friends, Jack and Peter, were playing around an old, abandoned mansion. We were told that no one was allowed to enter. However, curiosity overcame us and we picked the lock, granting us entrance into the sacred lair of the unknown.

At the sight of the skeletons, the three of us were completely stunned. Our jaw hung wide open for a few minutes before we came back to our senses. My sixth sense told me that something was about to go wrong, so I urged the other two to back out of the mansion.

“Don’t be such a chicken,” said Jack, with a shaky voice.

“Aren’t you scared too?” I challenged him.

“Yes, but we might never get the chance to explore here again if we leave now.”

“…All right, but we leave as soon as the first sign of danger shows.”

We ventured deeper into the mansion. The design looked like some sort of torture room, or a prison. Even though I was afraid, I was eager to discover more. Throughout the lair, we did not lose sight of skeletons or spider webs. These were at every corner, at every turn. The occasional howls from a distance made the hair on our backs stand up straight. We finally arrived at a long hallway. Jack picked up a piece of wood and lighted it up with his lighter. The flame seared at first, but after it simmered down, I was able to see the walls clearly. There were ancient writings, the kind we usually see in an Egyptian grave robber movie. As the expert in history, Jack tried his best to decipher the carvings. Meanwhile, Peter leaned towards the wall to catch his breath. At that very moment, a cold chill went down my spine.

“Watch out!” I shouted.

Before he could react, that portion of the wall he was leaning against flipped, trapping him on the other side. All he could let out was a loud shriek and he vanished behind the walls. I pounded against the wall, shouting his name. Only then did I know what real terror felt like. However, the chance of rescuing him was bleak. I sank to the ground, desolated and hopeless.

“Let’s get out of here, we have to inform the adults!” suggested Jack.

I got to my feet swiftly and both of us sped through the building. My heart was racing. I knew that danger may be waiting at the next corner. I could hear blood pounding in my ears. Wait, was that a creak I heard? “Uh-oh,” I thought to myself. The ceiling began to crumble. My sub-consciousness took over. I sprang forward and tackled Jack. Both of us fell to the ground. Just as I thought that trouble was out of the way, the burning piece of wood slipped out of his hand and landed in a pile of grease. Fire started spreading like mad. I struggled to get up.

“Come on, there’s not much time left!” I screamed as I turned towards the exit.


In a split second, my head turned 180 degrees. A gigantic marble pillar fell on Jack. I mustered all the strength from every single cell in my body, trying to lift it up, to no avail. My eyes were watery. I was completely out of ideas.

“Save yourself, leave me, please,” muttered Jack, with a weak tone.

This was certainly a tough decision for me. All the moments we had spent together flashed through my mind. How could I leave him now? As the fire was close to sealing my only exit, I knew that I had to be rational. I dived for my escape route.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as the mansion erupted into flames behind me.