
The Person I Admire Most

          I have a wonderful sister. Her name is Joanne Ai Ling. I admire her a lot. I would like to describe her appearance, personality, hobbies, likes and dislikes.

          First and foremost, I would like to describe her appearance. She has long black hair. She wears a pair of spectacles because she is short-sighted. She has worn glasses since she was in Standard Three.

I really like  her personality. She is a unique person. She is very helpful. She always helps me to complete my homework, especially Mathematics. She never gets upset because she is a cheerful person. Everyone likes her.

           She and I share the same hobbies, which are watching TV programmes and surfing the Internet. She likes to watch Korean dramas and reality TV shows. She always surfs the Internet during her free time and she knows what happens all around the world.

          She has some likes. One thing that she really likes is eating. She loves eating pizza, burger and chicken rice. She also likes watching reality TV shows, for example Akademi Fantasia and Fear Factor.

 She also has her dislikes. She dislikes the durian because its smell is strong and stinky. She also dislikes reptiles like snakes

          Based on the above reasons, I admire my sister so much. I always pray that she will succeed in her life. She is a great sister.




I could still remember a terrifying experience. It was 10 o’clock at night. I was standing at the bus stop to catch a bus home. Then, I saw two men entering a shop. They  looked suspicious.

Suddenly, I heard a woman shouting, “Help! Help!” I looked around in that direction and saw one of them - a big-sized man held up a woman with a knife at her neck. He was trying to rob her of her gold chain and cash.

I quickly hid behind a big tree and saw all that was happening. The two men were threatening the poor lady. She was crying and pleading for help.

I raced to the nearest telephone booth and called the police. Just as I was putting down the phone, I saw two policemen on patrol. I told them what was happening.

Immediately, they rushed to where the lady was. The robbers saw the police and took to their heels in different directions. The policemen chased them and managed to catch one of them.

After a while, I heard a siren. The police car was chasing the other robber. Finally, the second robber was also caught.

The lady thanked me and the police congratulated me.  They also praised me for my bravery and quick action.




When I was young, I was very active and always got into trouble.  Almost every day, I returned home from the kindergarten with dirty pants and shoes.

One day, during kindergarten playtime, I had a slight stomachache. At first I ignored it. I continued climbing a tree. The pain in my stomach became worse. I let go of the branch and fell to the ground. I clutched my stomach and groaned in pain. The teacher thought I was hurt by the fall.

The teacher informed my parents about it. I was rushed to the hospital. The doctor started to check for broken bones but there were none. Then the doctor pressed my abdomen. I screamed. My parents were told that I had appendicitis and not broken bones. I had to go for an immediate operation.

When I woke up the next day, I was relieved that the terrible pain was gone. My grandparents and relatives came to visit me. I enjoyed the attention and was discharged two days later.

My parents told me that the incident gave them the greatest scare of their lives. That is the incident that I will never forget.




One hot afternoon, my friend and I were walking home from school. On the way we had to pass through a bushy area nearby our school. When we arrived at the area, we encountered a troop of monkeys near the bush. We were so frightened and began to scream loudly. The monkeys felt so disturbed and started to chase after us. We started to run very quickly. One of the monkeys caught and bit my friend’s leg. We shouted for help. Some boys heard us. They threw stones at the monkey and helped us. My friend was taken to the hospital for treatment. My friend’s leg was wounded. The nurse took care of the injuries. My friend was hospitalised for a month. We were very grateful to the boys for saving our lives. Four days ago the monkeys were shot dead. We would never forget the incident.



One day during the school holiday, I was cycling to school. On the way, I had to cross a stream nearby my house. When I reached the area, I saw a pack of stray dogs under the trees. I was so terrified and started to cry deafeningly. The dogs felt so shocked and started to run after me. I started to cycle very fast. One of the dogs bit my hand. I screamed for help. A man heard us. He chased away the dog and rescued me. I was sent to the clinic for treatment. My hand was badly injured. The doctor treated the injuries. I was admitted for a week. I was very thankful to the man for saving my live. Two weeks later, the dogs were caught. I would never forget the incident.

Moral Values + Evidence, Opinoin (1)

Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values + Evidence, Opinoin (1)


Newt as Captain Nobody rescues Ferocious the Ferret on the highway. He chased Ferocious amidst the busy traffic. He even waves his hand in the attempt to stop the traffic. The traffic stops and coincidentally, his action saves an airplane which landed in an emergency on the highway.

Newt gathers his courage to climb the water tower although the ladder is rusty and the tower structure is weak. He wants to help calm Reggie down. With the help his best friends, Cecil and JJ, Captain Nobody climbs the ladders to the top and slithers his way to reach Reggie. He then finds out that Reggie climbs the tower to vandalise the water tank but his left foot is stuck. He managed to get Reggie’s foot which was stuck. They both end up falling from the tower into a mattress as they descend the rotten ladder.

Newt suffers a broken ankle and two broken ribs when Reggie lands on top of him. Newt helps to save Reggie from falling from the water tower. He is later awarded with a golden key.

Captain Nobody shows tremendous bravery by stepping into the Sullivan’s jewellery store and prevents a robbery from happening.


This incident shows Newt’s bravery. He risks his life to save Ferocious. At the same time, he saves innocent lives on board the aeroplane. If I were in the same situation, I would be afraid to run into a busy highway to chase after my pet. His action has inspired me to be courageous in facing any challenges in life. His courageous act should be admired as not many people are prepared to perform such brave act. In saving Reggie, Newt shows his bravery in conquering his own fear. He is a brave boy who has contributed to the society. His bravery is to be applauded as he takes action no matter what the consequences is.

Novel Captain Nobody : Model Question + Answer (1)

1.    The following is the novel studied in the literature component in English language.

Captain Nobody – by Dean Pitchford

“Determination is the key to success.” How is this shown in the novel that you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.



The novel that I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. The statement “Determination is the key to success” is clearly shown in the novel by a few characters. It is undeniable that determination will help us to succeed.

Firstly, the character Newt shows high determination in order for him to succeed in helping Cecil to get a big bass drum from the top of a dumpster. Cecil needs Captain Nobody’s help to get a big bass drum on top of a dumpster because he cannot get it down by himself. Cecil insists that Captain Nobody is the one who should climb the dumpster. Newt hesitates when he saw how high it is. It is such a big task for Newt since he is acrophobic- he has fear of heights. However, he is determined to help his best friend to fulfil Cecil’s dream of owning the bass drum. Slowly, Newt continues climbing the dumpster. This has clearly shown that his great determination has overcome his greatest fear of heights.

Secondly, the character which has shown great determination in order to succeed is Chris Newman. Prior to the Big Game, Chris has been training hard with his teammates. The Big Game has become the greatest rivalry between Fillmore High School and Merrimac High School for two consecutive years. In the first year, Chris was only the substitute player. He came in the quarter of the Finals and showed great determination to get himself a touchdown and led his team to the victory. His determination has placed him as a regular first team player for next year’s season. During the second final, which everyone is referring to the Big Game, Chris shows high determination and also inspires his teammates. During the last moment of the game, the Merrimac High manages to score a touchdown, leading the Fillmore High by a slight margin. Chris, without giving up, is determined to score a touchdown and has succeeded in doing so within the final 7 seconds of the Big Game. As a result, the Ferrets of Fillmore manage to secure another victory for that year. This has clearly shown how determination is the key to success.

Newt portrays the courage, determination and perseverance too as Captain Nobody. For example, he is supposed to look after the Ferocious, the Fillmore team’s mascot. It escapes when Reggie Ratner and his friends cause disturbance until the cage opens. It runs on to the busiest highway with four lanes of vehicles racing after it. Newt is brave and determined to catch it because he is responsible to return it safely the next day. Without thinking of his safety, Newt, runs to the middle of the highway, screaming and waving his hands to stop the vehicles. He could have been run over many times. Yet he goes after Ferocious with cars zooming dangerously close. Slowly, the traffic comes to a halt and at the moment, a passenger plane with engine problem makes an emergency landing on the freeway that is cleared of traffic. In saving shown that his determination has superseded his safety. He sacrificed his life for others.

In short, I really think that determination will lead us to success. Newt and Chris have shown determination that can be considered as heroic acts. Newt, by conquering his fear when helping Cecil and risking his life when saving Ferocious. Chris, by giving his all to make sure Fillmore wins the Big Game. They are indeed role models for teenagers like me. We should practice the value in our life so that we can achieve what we have always wanted.


Novel Darah Titik Di Semantan : Tema dan Persoalan


Novel ini bertemakan semangat Patriotisme. Datuk Bahaman dan orang-orangnya telah berjuang menentang Inggeris.


1. Kegigihan
Contoh :
Mat Lela dan Datuk Panglima Raja gigih mengajar ilmu silat kepada para perajurit Semantan.

2. Kecekalan
Contoh :
Datuk Bahaman cekal menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan sewaktu ancaman Inggeris.

3. Keberanian
Contoh :
Mat Lela yang berusia 20 an berani menghadapi ancaman musuh yang menapak di bumi Semantan.





Watak Utama


1.         Pelajar sekolah menengah.

2.         Tidak gembira pulang ke kampung datuk dan neneknya.

3.         Berpura-pura menjaga hati ibunya.

4.         Seorang yang rajin membaca - rajin membaca buku panduan pemakanan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.

5.         Seorang yang taat akan ibu bapa - Akur cakap orang ibu bapanya walaupun agak keberatan untuk pulang ke kampung datuknya.

6.         Seorang yang suka berkawan dan peramah – dalam masa yang singkat sahaja Lili telah menjadi kawan rapat Geetha dan Danel.

7.         Seorang yang cepat bersimpati dengan orang lain – Walaupun dikurung oleh Haziq dan Rafiq tetapi Lili cuba membantu mereka.

8.         Seorang yang prihatin - meminta bantuan Kak Hamimah supaya mengambil tindakan terhadap suami Che Jah yang melakukan jenayah keganasan rumah tangga.

9.         Seorang yang mudah mesra - Mesra dengan Danel dan sama-sama berbincang untuk pembinaan masjid baru di kampungnya itu.

Watak Sampingan

Datuk (Haji Abdul Rahman)

1.            Pakar akar kayu dan ubat tradisional.

2.            Berumur 70 tahun.

3.            Seorang yang penyayang – menyayangi Lili dan ibunya.

4.            Seorang pengamal perubatan tradisional - menjadi sumber rujukan masalah kesihatan penduduk kampung.

5.            Seorang yang berpengetahuan luas dalam perubatan tradisional - berjaya menyembuhkan Letchumi daripada sakit teruk dengan herba yang dibuat oleh datuk.

6.            Seorang yang penyabar -  datuk sabar dengan tuduhan orang kampung yang mengaitkannya dengan pemaju yang ingin membeli tanah orang kampung.

7.            Seorang yang rajin beribadat, solat, zikir dengan tasbih.

8.            Seorang yang rajin membaca kitab

9.            Seorang yang menghormati tetamu – melayani tetamu yang datang ke rumahnya dengan sopan.


1.         Anak kepada William.

2.         Seorang yang pandai berhujah - berhujah dengan berhemah supaya datuk tidak berkecil hati.

3.         Seorang yang baik hati – sering membawa buah tangan setiap kali bertandang ke rumah datuk.

4.         Akrab dengan datuk.

5.         Seorang yang suka menulis - menulis artikel tentang buah pisang di Tenom Sabah

6.         Seorang yang rajin - sering membantu nenek memasak

7.         Memasak menggunakan pisang

8.         Seorang yang berani - membantu menyelamatkan Lili yang diculik.

Nenek (Hajah Aisyan Tan Abdullah)

1.         Kurang yakin dengan ubat tradisional yang datuk sediakan.

2.         Isteri kepada datuk.

3.         Seorang yang mempercayai pantang larang (terbalikkan semua cermin untuk terbalikkan mata kilat).

4.         Seorang yang taat akan perintah Allah – nenek segera bersolat apabila masuk waktu.

5.         Seorang yang penyabar – sabar dengan kerenah orang kampung yang menuduh datuk melindungi anak-anak Che Jah.

6.         Seorang yang pandai memasak dan masakannya sering dipuji oleh Danel.


1.         Kenalan Lili dalam bas sewaktu pulang ke Terengganu

2.         Seorang yang bijak - siswa tahun pertama jurusan Kejuruteraan Awam Universiti Malaya.

3.         Anak Letchumi yang mempunyai kedai runcit dan sembuh selepas makan ubat tradisional yang disediakan oleh datuk.

4.         Seorang yang aktif dan meminati aktiviti lasak – menyertai aktiviti mendaki gunung, merunut hutan dan eksplorasi gua sejak bangku sekolah lagi.

5.         Seorang yang peramah dan mudah mesra - menjadi akrab dengan Lili walaupun baru berkenalan.

6.         Seorang yang menepati janji – menepati janji dengan membawa Lili melihat matahari terbit di jeti.

7.         Seorang yang rajin – membantu nenek memasak di dapur.


NOVEL DI SEBALIK DINARA : Watak dan Perwatakan

NOVEL DI SEBALIK DINARA : Watak dan Perwatakan
Watak Utama
o    Anak kepada Karl dan Merilyn/Medina.
o    Anak angkat kepada keluarga Azraai.
o    Berusia 26 tahun dan jurutera keselamatan sistem teknologi maklumat.
o    Telah ditanam mikrocip oleh bapanya, Karl.
o    Sahabat karib kepada Shida dan Rosman.
o    Matanya berwarna coklat muda, wajahnya cantik dan bersopan santun.
o    Bijak selok belok berkaitan sistem maklumat komputer.
o    Berminat dan menyukai dengan perwatakan Aqram
Watak sampingan
1.     Karl
  • Seorang lelaki berbangsa Inggeris dan berkahwin dengan Marilyn atau Medina.
  • Ayah kepada Farisha.
  • Memukul Rosmina (isterinya) sehingga cacat dan bertukar menjadi robot.
  • Membangunkan Dinara.
  • Memasukkan mikrocip ke dalam badan anaknya Farisha ketika baru lahir.
  • Pernah menerima anugerah Inovasi Teknologi Maklumat Peringkat Kebangsaan.
  • Penyelidik dan pencipta sistem Dinara.
  • Terlantar sakit barah dan akhirnya meninggal dunia. Tetapi pemikiran Karl berada dalam pemikiran Shida, walaupun telah meninggal dunia.
2.   Aqram
  • Seorang pemuda yang kacak diminati oleh Farisha.
  • Bertugas di Soft Lab mengendalikan Dinara.
  • Sahabat baik kepada Dr. Maxi dan Khairul Anwar.
  • Sering menjejaki Farisha.
  • Sebuah cyborg.
  • Bertanggungjawab menjelaskan tentang masalah Dinara kepada Farisha.
  • Memberi maklumat bahawa penggodam Dinara mempunyai dendam peribadi.
  • Orang berpengaruh dalam Dinara, juga orang kuat Karl.
  • Memiliki pen penetrator yang dapat mengesan pemikiran Farisha.
3.   Shida
  • Teman serumah Farisha dan merupakan kawan akrab.
  • Ditawarkan bekerja dalam arkib yang terletak di Soft Lab dan sering berurusan dengan Khairul Anwar.
  • Berjaya mengesan seorang yang bernama Medina bertugas di Soft Lab yang tidak dapat dikesan.
  • Pengganti fizikal kepada Farisha setelah Farisha tidak Berjaya untuk dijadikan uji kaji di Soft Lab.
  • Pemikiran Karl akhirnya kekal dalam fizikal Shida.
4.   Dr. Maxi
  • Bertanggungjawab mengurus Dinara dan bertugas sebagai penyelidik.
  • Mengarahkan Alia (Rosmina) memasukkan mikrocip dan mempengaruhi pemikiran Farisha dan Shida.
  • Seorang pakar dalam sistem Dinara berkaitan teknologi maklumat.
  • Menawarkan Farisha bertugas di Dinara dengan tawaran RM1.5 juta.


Character Traits + Evidence, Opinoin (2)

Novel Captain Nobody : Character Traits + Evidence, Opinoin (2)


Newton walks Mr Clay, the locksmith, home after his hand suddenly comes out from the pile of cardboard boxes and grabs Newt by his ankle. He recognises the person as Mr Clay. His mother always calls Mr Clay whenever she needs to duplicate keys. Mr Clay is suffering from Alzheimer. He forgets his way home when he runs out of medicine. Although Cecil is skeptical at first, Newt convinces him that Mr Clay would do no harm. So he walks the old man home. He knows where Mr Clay lives as Mr Clay always parks his cherry red van in front of his house. Mrs Clay is relieved to see her husband return home safely.


This shows that Newt is a helpful person. If I were Newt, I would do the same thing to my old neighbour if I find him wandering around. Without Newt’s action, Mr Clay would be lost and Mrs Clay would be so worried of her missing husband. His action has inspired me to be a helpful person to myfamily, friends and neighbours.

Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values (Form 5 English Novel)

Novel Captain Nobody : Moral Values (Form 5 English Novel)


1.  We must respect, support and protect our beloved ones

•        In this novel, this value is portrayed by Newton, though he is only ten years old.
•        He is sensitive towards his parents’ feelings.

•        We also see this value in Chris. Even though he is busyand tired practicing for his football games, he always seem to have time to help Newton with his homework or play a quick game with him.

•        Mr Newman speaks carefully to Newton about his costume and acknowledges Capatin Nobody.

2.  We must always help those who are in need

•        Mrs Young, Newton’s teacher, discusses his situation with the Principal, Mr Toomey. She does not get angry with Newton.

•        This value is also portrayed by Newton, who tries to cheer his mother up after seeing his mother’s eyes in tears.
•        Newton is also sompassionate towards Mr Clay. He realises that man is lost and confused and makes sure he gets home safely.

•        We must be helpful to others regardless whether they are our family, friends or strangers.

•        Newt helps Cecil brings down his dream bass drum
•        JJ and Cecil also portray this value when they help Newwt with his Halloween costume

3.  We should not rely on a costume to feel confident of ourselves.

•        We must not underestimate our abilities.

•        It is important to feel good about ourselves.

•        This value is portrayed by Newton. When he wears the Captain Nobody costume, he feels strong and confident.

•        However, when he climbs up the water tower to save Reggie, instead of losing confidence and descending the ladder, Newton continues his climb and manages to help Reggie get down from the tower. This shows his courage and capabilities to others.

4.  We should not be envious of the success of others.

•        This value is portrayed by Newton, who feels happy about his brother’s success.
•        Chris, on the other hand, acknowledges that Newton is the real hero of Appleton.
•        Mr and Mrs Sullivan acknowledges their saviour who saved their lives during the robbery.

5.  We must be optimistic in life

•        We must face problems or challenges in life with hope and courage.

•        Newton does not feel sorry for himself and does not resent or blame people, even when he is neglected at home. He accepts the fact that his classmates and teachers ignore him in school and that not many know that he is Chris Newman’s brother.

•        When his brother is knocked down into a coma during the Big Game, he fills his mind with positive thoughts that Chris will be alright.

•        When his mother forgets to dry the laundry, Newton wears his Captain Nobody costume to school, though he knows his friends or teachers might laugh at him.

•        Although Newton, Cecil and JJ are ignored in school, they respond positively to this situation.

•        Chris and his teammates shows optimism in winning the Big Game although at times the opponent is leading

6.  We must be brave.

•        Newt has acrophobia. At first, he hesitated to climb the Dumpster to get the bass drum. But when disguised as Captain Nobody, he felt more confident.

•        He managed to help Cecil.
